Hi, and thanks for visiting HostDispatch.
My name is Satrap, and I am a blogger and an internet marketer.
I have been building websites for some time now, and although today I know my way around, when I first started, I was clueless.
One of those things that I had a never-ending trouble with was web hosting.
Let me give you an example of how clueless I was.
Funny Story…
When I bought my first domain, I was ecstatic.
I couldn’t wait to get started.
So, I opened up my browser, typed in my domain name, and waited for it to load, so I could see how my site looked!
But there was nothing!
All I got was the infamous Server not found error.
As you can imagine, I was very disappointed, and baffled by this.
It took me a few days to learn that I actually needed a host to have my site live and seen online.
Yeah, I was that clueless!
Finding a Good Host for My First Website
Once I figured out that I had to get a host and upload my website’s files to it, my second biggest shock hit me–How do I choose a web host? Which one is the best?
And so began my struggle and quest to find my first-ever web host.
The first few I tried, based on reading the few so-called “hosting reviews”, turned out to be really bad–as in my site was down few hours a day!
Then, as I went along, I realized something about those so-called “reviews”–those weren’t real reviews, those were fake, made up, reviews written by people who’s only purpose was to make money as an affiliate of the hosting companies they were “reviewing”.
Now, there is nothing wrong with wanting to make money as a website owner. But, as I explain later, there are “reviews”, and then there are reviews!
The Truth About Web Host Reviews
You see, most hosting companies give you a commission every time you send a new customer to them.
It’s called affiliate marketing.
And usually the higher commission a host pays, the more rave reviews and recommendation it gets from those fake review sites.
Those site owners know they can make a ton of money by recommending those hosts, regardless of whether or not the hosting packages of such companies are reliable and suited for their readers.
Now, there is nothing wrong with getting commission for recommending people to a company.
People do it all the time, offline and online.
But, the problem with many of these “review” sites is that:
- They don’t even try the host, themselves. So, their so called “reviews” are not actual reviews.
- They recommend the company with the highest commission, not the one that’s most reliable.
- They don’t disclose that their links are affiliate links.
My Mission
So, after building countless websites and blogs, and trying so many different hosts, I realized I had something that could actually be helpful to those looking for real reviews of hosting companies–personal experience with some of the most well-known hosting providers.
I had actually used many different hosting companies, on my own websites and blogs.
And my first-hand experience could help other webmasters and bloggers weed through the junk and find a suitable host for their sites.
And that is how Host Dispatch was born.
Although, the idea had come to me in 2012, because of my crazy schedule, I had to wait until August 2013 to actually build the site.
Why Not Review More Hosts?
As you can see, I have published only a handful of reviews, unlike others who seem to review every single web host under the sun.
The reason I don’t do that is because I can’t possibly test that many hosts, myself.
And if I can’t test-drive a webhost, how can I review it?
I only write about providers that I have used in the past and/or am using today to host the many sites I own.
So, You Are Doing this for Free?
Look, I would love to sit here and tell you that I have spend all this time and money building and maintaining this site just so I could help you find the best host possible for your website.
But that would be a big lie.
Yes, helping you find a good host is ONE of the reasons I created this site, but I also make money here.
If you remember, earlier I told you about affiliate marketing and how web hosts give you commission for sending them new customers. So, I thought to myself, “I have all this experience with different hosts, I know which ones are good, which ones are ok, and which ones are out-right terrible. Why not create a site where I share my experience, and make some money by recommending the companies that I had good experience with?”
And I am glad that I did build Host Dispatch.
Doing so, allowed me to hit two birds with one stone:
- I am helping people find a reliable host for their site, while avoiding the bad ones.
- At the same time, I make a little money whenever any of my readers purchases a package from a company I recommend.
What Makes HostDispatch Different?
Yes, I will make money when you sign up with a host via one of my links.
It’s the same as any other review site.
But, the big difference here is that:
- I will give you the whole picture.
- I won’t recommend a host just because they pay good commission.
- I won’t “review” hosts I haven’t tried myself.
- I won’t lie to you.
You may not see fancy (read fake) rating stars here, but every single review you read here will be honest, and based on my own personal experience.
Reality Check
Having said that, I want to tell you something that most other sites won’t, and that is the fact that just because I had a good experience with a host, doesn’t mean you, too, will have a good experience with them, and vice versa.
Look, even the best providers can sometimes be lousy.
Which is why there is no such a thing as the perfect host.
But, with a little bit of research, and (hopefully) reading my reviews, you can find the best host that will help you maintain your website without much hassle and headache.
Last Word
I truly hope you find Host Dispatch a useful and honest source of hosting reviews.
If you do, please be sure to share this site with your friends and family.
Also, if you like to know about a host that I haven’t reviewed yet, let me know, and I will do my best to give them a test run (after all, I am building websites all the time, so I can always use one of my sites to test a new company).
I can not promise that I can always do that, but if I do, I will surly share my findings with you with a complete review of the said web host.
Thank you!